Criteria for selection

  1. Alignment with the mission and objectives of the Center for Labor and Community;
  2. Potential to advance the field of labor studies, broadly construed;
  3. Relevance for the labor movement and/or working people in California.  

Though it is not required, special consideration will be given to projects that involve collaboration with labor or labor-adjacent organizations, including in the design and conducting of the research. A letter of commitment from partner organization(s) will be required in this case.


UCSC faculty and instructors across all disciplines and lines —senate and non-senate—are eligible. Faculty members involved in collaborative research are welcome to apply jointly. 

Allowable expenses

Grants may be used for any research-related expenses consistent with UC policies. Applicants should specify how CLC funds might be used by partner organizations and/or how matching funds would support this partnership.  


Grantees should acknowledge support from the Center for Labor and Community in any publications or other research products linked to the sponsored research. Grantees will write a final report, participate in CLC-sponsored events, and/or contribute research to other CLC public scholarship outlets.  

Types of grant support and application materials

Application Deadline: May 20, 2024

  1. Cover page: Title, abstract, keywords
  2. Project description (2 pages, or 1000 words)
    1. Overview of project goals and objectives
    2. Qualifications of applicant(s) for conducting this research
    3. Relevance for labor and working people in California and alignment with the Center’s mission and objectives. This may include discussion of outcomes for partner organizations. 
    4. One year timeline
  3. Itemized budget, with budget justification
  4. Letters of commitment from research partners, if applicable
  1. Cover page: Title, abstract, keywords
  2. Project description (3 pages, or 1500 words)
    1. Overview of project goals and objectives
    2. Qualifications of applicant(s) for conducting this research
    3. Relevance for labor and working people in California and alignment with the Center’s mission and objectives. 
    4. For those working with partner organizations, applications should include discussion of outcomes for and methods for engagement with partner organizations.  
    5. One-two year timeline
  3. Itemized budget, with budget justification
  4. Letters of commitment from research partners, if applicable, which can be sent via email.

Last modified: Apr 23, 2024